dog boot camp near me

Training is of particular importance, because it supports the social integration of the dog in a family, but also in the relations with other animals and other people. In addition, by getting to execute certain commands correctly, the dog acquires a very high self-confidence, while enjoying the affectionate reward and the attention of its owner.

The dog is a receptive being, with such a wonderful ability to understand, being also able to learn all the time. Their good habits, as well as the consolidation of unpleasant behaviors largely depend on the interest that the owner has in the correct education of the animal. 

A few rules for successful dog training

According to a great animal trainer at dog boot camp near me, in order for the learning process to settle easily, owners must pay attention to a few details:

One master.  Dogs are the descendant of the wolfs, being defined by the instinct of the pack. In the family, a dog will recognize a single master as the head of the pack. Although all the members will be loved and respected, the dog will particularly listen to this member of the family. Therefore, this person should be careful about being consistent and not giving contradictory commands, because they will be very confusing to the animal, who may fail to respond to them. You also risk that the dog will actually become the head of the pack!  When this alpha member of the family scolds the dog, there should not be another person intervening to comfort the animal.

The training sessions will be short. Dogs and especially puppies quickly lose their interest and attention.

Training will be done when the animal is receptive, well-rested, able to be attentive. Do not schedule training sessions after walks, or when the dog is sleepy. Also, it is preferable to keep scheduling them at the same time of the day, in order to create a reflex.

A very good moment for training could be before the meal, because the dog is more alert.

The sessions should be based on playing, always taking into consideration the comfort of the animal. If the dog fails to execute certain requirements, they must not be scolded or hit. They feel the master’s emotions very easily and even a higher tone of the voice can make them get scared and fail even more.

The dog will be rewarded every time, immediately after correctly executing a command, not before or too far away from this moment. Food treats are the most valued. They should be small, so that the animal can easily take them and not lose a lot of time to consume them, otherwise their attention will be distracted from the training process. Also, to prevent your dog getting fat with treats, make sure that these rewards have a low caloric content.

Consistency is the key in dog training

Colorado professional dog training can be an excellent solution for you and your dog, but people turn to a trainer for a limited period of time. In rest, it is only them and their dogs, so the training must continue consistently not only until the commands become “engraved” in your dog’s mind, but afterwards too. The techniques must be repeated and perfected in such a way as to create a special bond between the man and the animal.